OK, where to begin... today i felt like attempting to shoot in RAW. I here so many photographers talk about the advantages of shooting RAW and i was always so confused. I shoot manual, L, natural light blah-blah-blah...so today was a change of pace. I went to the park with my kids, had fun and captured alot of great shots...so i thought from what had appeared on my LCD screen. Got home to download, convert and save the pictures to a file and there were NO pictures. Right now I'm having a heart attack wondering why i have pictures on my camera but nothing to save...So i was reading my manual to my camera and in it stated that the camera came with this CD to download a program on your computer especially for RAW and RAW conversion. The angels started to sing, i was getting somewhere!
Long story short, downloaded the program, pictures appeared, started processing and converting RAW to JPEG...and what do you know... the select few that i liked that actually came out good where not so good when i saw them at full size...again my ISO was up to high. Grrrrrr i always forget to check that...Someone had once told me that practice makes perfect...I'm far from perfect!